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The MOLECULAR ECONOMICS TECHNOLOGY REPORT lists existing technology components which can be configured to achieve this system solution. The name, "Molecular Economics Technology" describes the evolutionary, cultural, historical reality that all real wealth in the world comes from the Earth or as output from people... unit-by-unit, literally as economic molecules which have their own characteristics and behaviors: As these econometric units are manufactured or otherwise transformed into other economic units of production. These units of production are then consumed and ultimately disposed of. And the effects of this life-cycle can also be plotted in "molecular terms" as units of extraction, waste disposal, recycling, renewability, etc. The "Technology" component of the name describes the fact that the needed research (to define a global baseline) is one of distributed systems engineering: Involving networking, scalable computational resources and distributed artificial intelligence, both at the process level and at the client/ user interface.
A focused research effort, combining private industry, university and government labs would help ensure the long-term, efficient utilization of global natural resources and more-efficient economies, worldwide (enabling middle class population increases to be better planned in regards to those population's effects on social and environmental order. Thus, future growth and wealth distribution can occur more rapidly, enhancing local, regional and global economic, political and military stability.
In January 2001, "Molecular Economics Technology" was published (AS A POSTER SESSION) by the
Center for Nonlinear
Dynamics in Economics and Finance graduate school at the University of Amsterdam.
This web page has since been downloaded in multiple languages by university and corporate researchers all over the world (ie, February 23, 2006 by Performance Systems International and CACI, Inc).
In addition,the concept has been reviewed by The Santa Fe Institute and Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque.
This work is also known by U.S. Vice President Cheney..
As defined, a Molecular Economics-type baseline of technology would provide valuable anti-terror security capabilities in two forms: First, by enhancing the growth of global economies to create more distributed wealth potential. Secondly, by moderating the social and economic conditions that create poverty and hopelessness and which also foster terrorist recruitment success. Finally, the technology would enable the global observation and modeling of economic activity in near real time, while also creating a "Self-Policing State" culture where safeguards exist within the system solution to ensure personal privacy--short of court order for surveillance-- and company / national security secrets.
For example, the system's components were chosen by the author of this concept to enable the detection of much harder terrorist to find than Osama binLaden (ie, the "lone American", whose "economic object" within the computer network and database is suddenly associated with the purchase of a ton and half of explosive fertalizer... yet his object isn't "attached" to any detected farm "molecule" that would justify the purchase. So why is this guy buying a ton and half of potential explosives? Law enforcement and courts can decide if it warrants further inquiry.
Today, the world's business and law enforcement communities are swamped in a variety of relational databases, many of which are not compatible with each other. This paper calls for research that would address this problem, so that future development (from the established baseline) can establish a robust, de-facto global standard for computerized, econometric data, worldwide, for decades to come.
Your question is simple, "Where are the 300 pairs of school girl shoes that I ordered from Ajax Shoe Company last June?". The computer system then finds your order, searches the globe and focuses on extracting object-related date from multiple databases: The Chinese manufacturer and the shipping companies involved in transporting these shoes to your stoore. The response on your office computer is that 200 pairs of shoes were already shipped. And just that day, they arrived in Oakland, CA. And another 100 more pair of shoes will ship tomorrow and will arrive in Oakland in two weeks.
This paper calls for a technology that would enable the shoe store owner to make that simple inquiry... and from essentially the same date set, another user at the U.S. Commerce Department could ask the system to provide cumulative data on how many pairs of childrens shoes were imported from China. This is a research question: Can the same technology configuration and user interface be created to permit such disparate queries?
2. Identify a practical and cost-effective configuration of hardware and software systems that would enable economic data collection (from the cash register... on up the supply chain for retail and wholesale business) and transport, store and enable the retrieval of this economic data in (near) real time.
3. The big research questions for the METRO investigation lies in defining the limits of USEFUL data collection-- so that the system isn't waisting its time, tracking individual paper clips or blades of grass. To the author's knowledge, no research has ever defined the useful limits of applied chaos theory-- to the task of modeling complex, econometric behaviors (at any level of system scalability--from the desktop to the warehouse, to the industry, the city, the region or global).
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