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Very-long-instruction-word, SQL database management, datamining, networking, transport design, object-oriented software development, encryption, middleware, neural networks, parallel processing, fuzzy logic, distributed computing, embedded systems (by ), image/pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and various algorithmic modeling methodologies (now in use in molecular, biological and other sciences). Field-Programmable Gate Arrays and other field-programmable logic.
Including collaborative, collective and probabilistic learning
(algorithms and applications) .
Evolution, learning and adaptation; And evolutionary computation.
Clustering and classification of objects and behaviors; Knowledge discovery;
Internet protocols; Indexing and Retrieval Methods; Multi-model Data Analysis;
Multivariate Data Visualization; Time series Analysis.
Agent Architectures and protocols; Autonomous and multi-agent systems and applications.
Speech processing; Pattern Recognition; Image Processing;
Feature extraction methods and applications.
(emphasis on data display to maximize
effective perceptual psychology and human cognition-- understanding-- of results
by people of average intelligence; Parallel volume rendering of data)
Optimized copilers for modern architectures; Debugging Parallel Programs;
Intelligent Disaster Recovery; Matrix-matrix multiplies, based on low-cost
graphics hardware; On-line parallel Tomography; Nimrod/O automatic
optimization tool; SAGE ( SAIC Adaptive Grid Eulerian hydrocode); Adaptive Mesh
Refinement (AMR); SCALEA overhead analysis of coded regions
Algorithm-design; Chaos/complexity theory; Monte Carlo
approach; Navier-Stokes equations; Kalman filtering; Markov processes; Lorenz
and Strange Attractors in chaos; Space-Phase period relationships in chaos;
Behavior of dynamic systems; Estimation theory and probability.
Quantum and relativistic studies (to establish thresholds of
useless chaos for useful algorithm design).
Complex adaptive systems; Environmental and organism behavior theory; Algorithm design.
Organic and non-organic, molecular behavior modeling and simulation.
Human psychology (cognitive and perceptual), neurosciences.
Group dynamics, competition theory, law enforcement; Taxation; Logistics and socio-economic databases;
Economic theory (computational, empiracal, stochastic, equilibrium); Econometrics;
Management information; Finance; Industrial marketing; Mapping, simulation and modeling.
Streamlined Sales Tax Project (SSTP)
Including Non/Uniform Rational B-Spline Polynomial definitions of METRO econometric objects; And the encoding of object/set behavior(s) and the kalman filtering of random unknowns (of data phases, vectors and amplitudes) etc.
System-on-Chip, CPU logic-core, programmable gate-array and other
microprocessor specifications for field-programmable iconization of economic and
behavioral data.
Iconization/ Objectification Strategies (particularly re:
attribute-oriented induction/ attribute focusing).
Also summarization,
object-transport protocols (HTTP, NNTP, etc) and middleware standardization for
transport and hierarchial storage.
Digital Signal Processing developments;
with the anticipated potential (based on the emerging potential of 64 and
128-bit processing) for the METRO system to perform pattern-recognition of
economic objects: Basically recognizing the "surface features" and underlying
"hidden content" of the economic object as a heirarchial "multimedia" file.
Cash register (and other "economic interface") industry developments-
relative to the developing market for embedded, System-on-Chip, METRO
Smartcard utilization by the U.S. Government (Citibank); As a
baseline for METRO Test and Evaluation field trials.
METRO system
methodologies and timelines to field-deployment of METRO standards. DataMining
methodologies (in particular,relating to Association, Clustering and Trend
Fuzzy logic (in particular relating to Rough sets and Clustering of
Real-time Operating Systems
Network and data fault-tolerance and
"Intelligent Agent" strategies for conducting
(particularly in regards to Plangent mobility and reflective
Also ontology of expertise, domain model, information source
models, query processing, communications language and protocols,
Artificial-Intelligence-assisted browsing, user's heuristic phrase-extraction
and query-free information retrieval by the system, itself).
Overall Network
Design: Relative to satellite, fiber, hybrids; nodes, storage,
Security: Citing of mirrored-datamine sites, threats to databases,
use of cryptography in data transport and threat countermeasures.
Social and political dynamics of METRO: From "selling" METRO as a research program... to establishing and protecting it as a (defacto?) standard... and to its implementation as a deployed technology. For example, METRO meets the need (as defined in April, 1999, by U.S. Treasury Secretary Rubin) for "transparency and disclosure" in the global investor knowledge base-- of economic activity underway in emerging world markets, etc).
Select list of identified corporate research departments
Select list of identified Venture Capital funds and firms
Mission statement for formation of Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with U.S. National Lab.
Telephone and Fax: 307- 742-7117
Or write us at Laser Radio,
P.O. Box 7474, Laramie, WY 82073 USA