This web page shows artwork and headlines from some of the 35 or so published magazine articles John Guthrie
has written: Primarily dealing with high performance aircraft,
strategic weapon delivery systems and strategic command and control (ie, underground command bunkers,
According to U.S. intelligence agency sources, some or all of these articles appeared in print in
the former Soviet Union's,
"Voyennaya Aviatsiya i Raketnaya Teknika" Journal of Aviation and Rocket Technology
... the classified compendium of western, open-source intelligence on military
Aircraft and systems:
Cockpits of the Future, discussing USAF (Systems Command) work on artificial intelligence,
human factors and avionics:

Harrier Jump Jet, describing evolution of vertical and short-field takeoff and landing technologies and
testbeds-- leading up to operational success in the form of the British Harrier and Sea Harrier.

Trans-atmospheric and near-earth-orbit combat systems were described in this story. According to
USAF Systems Commander, General Lawrence Skantz, the author had a "considerable and impressive
grasp" of the mission potentials for hypersonic (Mach5+) missiles and manned aircraft.

The author (according to an FBI source) is a world-recognized expert on manned hypersonic flight and designed this
image, which was the poster for the First International Conference on Hypersonic Flight.

Military Research and Development (including Test and Evaluation) is another area of
journalistic research which has
earned the author respect in organizations such as the USAF Weapons Lab at Kirtland AFB,
Systems Command in Dayton and at the Rome Air Development Center, Rome, NY.

Other stories included this International Combat Arms magazine cover story on nuclear weapon theory, manufacturing, stockpiling, doctrine of use and
strategic and tactical military utility. (Inside the Bomb).

Nuclear Command and Control

And nuclear re-entry vehicle history and technology:
Below, the ABRV test article--minus warhead (W 87/ 300 Kt ground-burst)--which is
now the operational Mk 21 RV for the MX/Peacekeeper ICBM system.
Operational Accuracy (Circular Error Probability or CEP)= <400 meters-off aimpoint (in fact, it's probably <300 meters).

Below, a formerly classified (circa 1960) briefing photo from General Electric
or Avco Corp., showing early American ballistic missile reentry vehicle
designs (Mk 2-4 RV's) and
also examples of ballistic missle program-associated thermal and
radiological experiment test articles (on which items like command and arm/fuse electronics and
star-tracker sensors and other items were evaluated for their ability to
withstand the thermal and radiation hazards of trans-atmospheric, ballistic flight.

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